fastn Champion Program

At fastn we are keen to raise the next generation of champion developers. The fastn Champion Program aims to engage enthusiastic folks who are passionate to undertake this journey. If you are someone, who wants to know and understand fastn at its core, then this program is for you.

What makes a fastn Champion?

A fastn Champion is one who will help unlock the true potential of fastn as a platform.

They go the extra mile, demonstrating proficiency & skill. They dig deeper on technical documentations, explore all the collections, stay true to the best practises and gain the deepest understanding on all things fastn.

  • Beacons of Knowledge: They are veritable experts that anyone can turn to for information.

  • Power Collaborators: Have the ability to provide meaningful advice & timely assists to others.

  • Intrepid Explorers: They are developers who will push the boundaries and help fastn get better.

Why become a fastn Champion?

Champions are built different. Champions stand out from the crowd.

For all the time & effort you put in, fastn commits to help you gain an worthwhile advantage, when it comes to building your career & your network. fastn supports Champions in many ways. Some of the benefits include:

  • Badges & Roles: A unique role will be awarded to Champions within our Discord server. They also gain access to a select channel on Discord, where they can network with other Champions. This group has access to special fastn projects & giveaways!

  • Shout-out & Endorsement: Your work and your profile is put on a pedestal! All Champions get a special shoutout on our fastn website and their contributions are promoted across our platforms.

  • Certifications: Your skills & efforts will get validated & certified. You will receive official fastn certificates and accrediations to bolster your achievements. This includes an official NSDC recognised certification in collaboration with LetsUpgrade.

  • fastn Champion NFT: You will unlock a special fastn NFT, tailor-made for Champions. This super-cool NFT will provide you access to a select fastn reward bundles & giveaways.

  • Advanced Training Programs: You are clearly at the head of the pack, and that means you get a ringside view to all things under development at fastn. You will be fast-tracked via custom special skills training to prep you & give you that extra-edge as a developer.

  • Linked In Recommendation: Every Champion who completes the course gets a personal recommendation on their Linked In profile from the fastn CEO himself. fastn is deeply committed to enable individual careers growth of each and every Champion.

  • Career Opportunities: For Champions who display outstanding levels of committment & results, fastn will promote you to our Clients & Partner network as a fastn-certified potential hire. On successful selection, Champions will be able to work full-time/part-time or as a consultant across active projects.

How to become a fastn Champion?

To become a Champion, all we ask of you is to put in some time & effort. Afterall, a Champion becomes so, only by overcoming series of challenges and combating obstacles. We simply ask the same of you.

Spend some time exploring the fastn website & the fastn discord channel. Learn and develop essential `fastn’ skills

You can find almost all of the necessary documentation on our website. Start with some basics. If it helps, go through our video courses in our Learn section. You should also familiarize youself about some of the fastn Best Practises.

Deepen your understanding on various aspects of `fastn’ through these resources. This will help you to develop your practical skills and knowledge to build various solutions for different scenarios and domains.

Once you feel you have a good understanding, simply face the following challenges head-on!

You have a three week window to complete all 10 challenges listed below. The challenges will get increasingly complex as you go along, and will help reinforce all that you have learnt. You can complete the challenges at your own pace within the time-frame. You will have continued access to all the resources and the fastn community at all times. You are encouraged to seek help and reach out.

After completing all the challenges, simply fill out the fastn Champions application on this page. There in, you will be asked to provide individual github/heroku links against each of the challenges you have successfully completed. You are also encouraged to document your journey across a series of blog posts. Once submitted, post a short internal review by the fastn team, we will let you know of application status.

`fastn’ Champion Challenges

Challenge 1: Create a Button
Challenge 2: Create a login page UI
Challenge 3: Create a bio-link page
Challenge 4: Create an expander UI
Challenge 5: Create a colour package
Challenge 6: Create a typography package
Challenge 7: Create a portfolio page
Challenge 8: Create a submission form page
Challenge 9: Create a blog site
Challenge 10: Create a multi-page design layout

Submit your fastn Champion Application

Great now that you know what makes a fastn champion, time to get started.

  • Head over to the fastn Discord account & log in.
  • Join the ‘future-champions’ channel in there.
  • Drop in a quick hello & let us know that you are interested in being a champion.

Our team will contact you and schedule a call with you shortly. You can get all of your doubts & queries clarified, and once you start, our team can start tracking your progress.

Feel free to reach out to our team or other champions for help or assistance!

Time to get running, future-Champion!

Support fastn!

Enjoying fastn? Please consider giving us a star ⭐️ on GitHub to show your support!

Getting Help

Have a question or need help?

Visit our GitHub Q&A discussion to get answers and subscribe to it to stay tuned.

Join our Discord channel and share your thoughts, suggestion, question etc.

Connect with our community!

Found an issue?

If you find some issue, please visit our GitHub issues to tell us about it.

Join us

We welcome you to join our Discord community today.

We are trying to create the language for human beings and we do not believe it would be possible without your support. We would love to hear from you.
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