fastn Docs

Everything you need to know about fastn and ftd.

First Steps

Are you new to fastn, ftd or to programming? This is the place to start!

Getting Help

Having trouble? We’d like to help!
  • Try the FAQ* – it’s got answers to many common questions.
  • Looking for specific information? Try the Glossary*, or the detailed table of contents*.
  • Not found anything? See FAQ: Getting Help* for information on getting support and asking questions to the community.
  • Report bugs with fastn or ftd in our issue tracker.

How the documentation is organized

Django has a lot of documentation. A high-level overview of how it’s organized will help you know where to look for certain things:
  • Tutorials* take you by the hand through a series of steps to create a web application. Start here if you’re new to fastn or web application development. Also look at the First steps.
  • Topic guides discuss key topics and concepts at a fairly high level and provide useful background information and explanation.
  • Reference guides contain technical reference for APIs and other aspects of Django’s machinery. They describe how it works and how to use it but assume that you have a basic understanding of key concepts.
  • How-to guides are recipes. They guide you through the steps involved in addressing key problems and use-cases. They are more advanced than tutorials and assume some knowledge of how Django works.

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Getting Help

Have a question or need help?

Visit our GitHub Q&A discussion to get answers and subscribe to it to stay tuned.

Join our Discord channel and share your thoughts, suggestion, question etc.

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Found an issue?

If you find some issue, please visit our GitHub issues to tell us about it.

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We are trying to create the language for human beings and we do not believe it would be possible without your support. We would love to hear from you.
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