Why Use fastn for Your Next Front-end?

Instead of React/Angular or JavaScript, you can use fastn as the frontend of your next webapp or website.

Easy To Learn

fastn is designed to be easy to learn for people who have very little to no prior frontend development experience. Backend developers, designers can easily learn it for building their web projects.
-- import: fastn-community.github.io/bling/quote

-- quote.charcoal: Amit Upadhyay
label: Creator of FTD
avatar: $fastn-assets.files.images.amitu.jpg
logo: $fastn-assets.files.images.logo-fifthtry.svg

The web has lost some of the exuberance from the
early 2000s, and it makes me a little sad.
The language to author content and the language to build the components is the same and one can gradually learn fastn by first only using ready made components, and then slowly learning to build components.
-- component toggle-text:
boolean $current: false
caption title:

-- ftd.text: $toggle-text.title
align-self: center
text-align: center
color if { toggle-text.current }: #D42D42
color: $inherited.colors.cta-primary.text
background.solid: $inherited.colors.cta-primary.base
$on-click$: $ftd.toggle($a = $toggle-text.current)
border-radius.px: 5

-- end: toggle-text

Easy To Author - Great For Content Sites

fastn is optimised for people to author web content using the same language in which the reusable web components are built. If you are using React etc, you would want to use mdx for this. The mdx is a mix of, very easy to author markdown,

Semantic Content

Markdown has concepts like headings and paragraphs. Everything in markdown is just headings of different levels. There is no semantic to headings. With ftd you use components by name, with rich type system etc, eg if you want to talk about your team, in markdown you will say:
# Team

## Jack Smith

Jack is our lead designer. He joined us on 20th Feb 2022. He loves to cook and
swim, and is often found walking his husky.

![Jack Smith's Mugshot](/images/team/jack.jpg)
Where as with fastn you say something like.
-- lib.team:

-- lib.member: Jack Smith
joined-on: 20th Feb 2022
title: Lead Designer
mugshot: $assets.files.team.jack.jpg

Jack loves to cook and swim, and is often found walking his husky.

-- end: lib.team
The information content is captured in fields. The fields have types, so there is no invalid data. There is a separation of markup from content, as in this case of markdown the image will always come after the paragraph, but in the case of fastn, the image can be placed anywhere, decided by the lib.member component.

Data Driven

The data in the fastn files can be trivially extracted, converted to JSON, whereas in case of markdown you have to write fragile parser to extract the data locked in markdown text blobs.
Rust Code To Extract Data
struct Member {
    name: String,
    joined_on: String,
    title: Option<String>,
    mugshot: Option<String>,
    bio: String,

let doc = fastn::Document::from("some/id", source)?;
let members: Vec<Member> = doc.invocations("lib.member")?;
Soon we will support json conversion on fastn CLI as well, fastn json-dump team.ftd --invocations=lib.member will return:
json returned by fastn json-dump
        "name": "Jack Smith",
        "joined-on": "20th Feb 2022",
        "title": "Lead Designer",
        "mugshot": "/team/jack.jpg",
        "bio": "Jack loves to cook and swim, and is often found walking his husky."

Good Design System

fastn comes with integrated design system. Instead of specifying font sizes or colors, you specify typography and color roles to UI elements. The roles are well defined, so within the fastn ecosystem they are well known, and a lot of color scheme and typography packages available, which you can install and you can then change entire typography or color scheme in a few lines of change.

Learn more about fastn design system.


fastn has built in supprot for reponsive, every where you specify a length, you can specify a “responsive length”, and fastn will automatically use the right length based on mobile or desktop devices.

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